By annual tradition, it's time again to check-in with my friend Tom Turkey. He has been training for the Turkey Run (Sunday, November 20 at Como Lake in St Paul), a race he has won every year since its inception. I caught up to him earlier this week as he was making his final preparations.
Me: Are you ready for the big day?
Tom: I'm a lean, mean running machine!
Me: You look great. Anything new going on with your training?
Tom: I'm on a new diet heavy in chia seeds. They really make a big difference.
Me: So they really work? Any side effects?
Tom: You're about to step in it.
Me: Thanks for the warning!
Me: I know this is a special time of year for you. You seem to always peak for this event.
Tom: You're right. I train hard all summer so I can win this thing. There is no such thing as second place. I can honestly say that I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for this event.
Me: How so?
Tom: You've heard of the Biggest Loser TV show? Well, for turkeys, weight gain is a big problem too. I'm the only one left from my brood and I know that keeping a lean body mass is a big part of that.
Me: Last year, you had some ice to deal with. How did that go.
Tom: I literally flew around the course, so ice wasn't too much of a problem for me. The finish was a little slippery though. Talons help.
Me: The forecast is calling for some snow on Saturday but nicer on Sunday. Are you ready for the change of seasons?
Tom: By this time of year, I'm ready to just disappear in a nice warm jacket, if you know what I mean.
Me: What's your race strategy for Sunday?
Tom: Pretty much the same as usual. I'm not going to wait for things to happen, I'm going to make them come after me.
Me: Your prediction?
Tom: The streak continues.
Me: You usually take a vacation after the race. What are your plans this year?
Tom: They're evolving, but it looks like I'll be making a trip to the Middle East. I've been asked to mediate the situation in Syria.
Me: That's you? I thought it was the other Turkey.
Tom: A lot of people make that mistake. It's me.
Me: Have a safe trip. We're all hoping for the best. Enjoy your holidays.
Tom: Thanks! I'm ready to get the party started on Sunday. You're still vegetarian, right?
Me: Right.
Tom: Cool. Yeah, enjoy your holidays too!
Chris Fuller runs, coaches and blogs in the Twin Cities, and is the president of The Sporting Life event management company. Tom Turkey is the founder and owner of a vegan lifestyle company called Gobble This.
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