Monday, December 22, 2008
Move That Snow!
I manage a rental property and have about 1,000 square feet of sidewalks and driveway to clear. I use a shovel for a variety of reasons: it's better for the environment, it's quieter, and I like the exercise and feeling of accomplishment. It also gives me some time to think.
Part of what I think about is the job at hand. Over the years I have come up with a mindful approach to shoveling that gives me inner peace. Or at minimum, allows me to clear my turf with both my back and sanity intact. In the spirit of the holidays, I'd like like to share that approach with you. Consider it cross-training. If you don't have anything to shovel, volunteer to shovel a neighbor's sidewalk. Shoveling makes a great gift, and not just for the holidays!
First, I choose the right tool. Shovels come in many flavors, but mostly they can be broken into pushers (curved blades) and lifters (flat blades). Hint #1: there is a reason that snowplows push snow rather than lift it. Unless you only have a six-foot sidewalk to clear, use a pusher!
The next aspect of shovel selection is to determine what you will be doing with the snow once you've pushed it. Unlike a snowplow, you eventually have to put the snow somewhere. This is where a special hybrid of shovels comes in handy. I prefer a 27" pusher that also has sides to the curved blade, allowing you to also lift a scoop of snow and toss it somewhere. Look for a handle on the end for easy gripping. I do have a smaller lifter for areas like steps, but the hybrid pusher is my go-to implement.
Finally, when choosing the right tool, keep a eye on overall efficiency. Cheap snow shovels are a bad investment. Metal snow shovels are much more durable, but are very heavy when you need to do the lifting. My compromise is a durable plastic blade with a steel reinforcement strip along the front edge. This allows you to scrape the sidewalk without chipping your blade, but is still light enough to lift without breaking your back.
One often neglected aspect of shoveling is hand position. During the lifting phase, most people have both hands in the palm up position. This makes the lift up and in front of you, using mainly your lower back. Hint # 2: instead, I recommend placing the lower hand in the palm down position. This allows you to lift with a sideways motion, using mainly legs and core muscles. Try it and you'll feel the difference!
Next, plan what to do with the snow once you've pushed it. Where you toss the snow depends on the conditions: the weight of the snow you're moving, the depth of the snow already piled up, what obstacles (trees, buildings, neighbors' driveways) are in your way. Hint #3: however tempting it is to move your snow onto your neighbors' property, resist the temptation. You'll just be starting an unwinnable war. Think Vietnam or Iraq.
Shoveling sidewalks is usually pretty straightforward: a few pushing passes, dumping snow to the left or right as appropriate. Driveways can be more tricky. Unlike using a snow blower, where you can simply do row after row until it is clear, shoveling a driveway requires strategy. Where will you put the snow? Should you go across or down the driveway? Hint #4: one thing I discovered is that sometimes the best strategy is to clear a section of snow to allow you to push other snow across the cleared area. At first it feels unfulfilling to cover your freshly-cleared path with more snow. Part of being a mature shoveler is to understand that moving forward sometimes requires a step back.
The final touch in professional snow removal is applying a salt/sand mix. Do this in moderation. The salt, while generally safe, does tend to destroy grass if left all winter, and can also be tracked inside. Hint #5: a light sprinkling of a mix of 2/3 salt, 1/3 sand works well, and is easily applied with a hand-cranked spreader.
When you're done, step back to enjoy your work. It won't be long until a runner passes by, and thanks you. At least I think that was thanks. It's a little hard to hear what they're saying through that mask, neck warmer and scarf.
By applying these techniques you'll not only have a great sidewalk, you'll have great abs and make your neighbors jealous. Let them in on your secret. Soon we'll have an entire metropolitan area of safe, runner-friendly sidewalks.
From the looks of my neighborhood, we've still got a long way to go.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Is There a Great Lake In Your Backyard?
For those not acquainted with Milwaukee, it's eastern flank is mushed against Lake Michigan. We figured if we headed east, we would run into the lake and then be able to head south along it. That general concept was confirmed by maps, but somehow we followed a curvy road that turned north, and after twenty minutes knew something was wrong. (Perhaps TJ suspected our plight earlier, and perhaps I insisted we were on course, but I digress).
We re-oriented ourselves, but we still didn't know the best way to get to the lake. Finally, we stopped and TJ asked for directions (I was still pretty sure I knew where to go, but if it made her happy, fine.) The couple bringing groceries from their car to their house wanted to be helpful, but weren't sure how to direct pedestrians to the lake. "I think you can get there by going through the arboretum," they offered hesitantly.
That turned out to be true. After one more wrong turn and a more helpful set of directions, we made it to the lake.
Lake Michigan is huge, deserving its status as one of the Great Lakes. It's hard to imagine that you could live less than a half mile from such a lake and not be sure how to reach it on foot. It made we think about other treasures that for one reason or another might be off our radar. Is there a Great Lake in your backyard?
- If you live in the Twin Cities and haven't run along a river or around a lake, you are missing out. We have a remarkable system of trails that allow hours of running without worrying about cars. While our lakes are not 'great,' they're pretty good. Try a different direction on your next run, and see if you get a new perspective on your neighborhood.
- If you buy your shoes at chain stores, you are missing the true treasures offered by shopping at a locally owned running store. They not only sell the product, but live the lifestyle, you'll always find runners on duty, and if you mention 'fartlek' they won't snicker. They'll even listen to your story of how wet you got in the marathon, though its possible they've heard that one before.
- If your food is only purchased at places that make you bag your own groceries, you're missing out on the wealth of specialty and health food stores and bakeries in the Twin Cities. The prices may be more (and that's not necessarily true), but the selection and quality is noticeably better. As a runner, food is your fuel, and you deserve to put good fuel in your tank. Whole grains, locally grown and organic foods are a great place to start.
- If you only run the mega races with the fancy brochures, you may be missing something on race weekend. Sometimes the smaller events give you a chance to avoid the crowds and add more fun to the experience. The race experience is entirely different if you eliminate finding a parking spot and standing in line for the toilets from your running routine. You'll have more time to catch up with your running buddies before and after the race.
- If your idea of a musical concert involves sixty-year-old rockers in spandex, you might find a refreshing change if you look into the local music scene. From music venues to the airwaves to the Internet, local music is there for you to enjoy. Just don't bring that iPod to the mega race!
We all have a blind eye to one great lake or another. Fortunately, taking the blindfold off is an easy step to take. TJ and I will be back in Milwaukee in a few weeks. This time, we're heading straight east.
What are your backyard treasures? Here is my totally biased list:
- For trails: Fort Snelling State Park. It's easy to get to and has a different look each season.
- For running stores: Run N Fun and TC Running Company. These stores are the local leaders for a reason. They'll make sure you get what you need at a fair price. Outside the metro, look for a store where the owner is a runner and works in the store.
- For healthy eating: Whole Foods Market (Minneapolis and St Paul) and Great Harvest Bread Company (Minneapolis and St Paul), or your local co-op.
- For small races: Sure I'm biased, but our Turkey Run at Como Lake in St Paul is one of my favorite small races. The drawings after the race give everyone a chance to win.
- For local music: The Current. For variety, local music and concerts they fill a void in the Twin Cities radio market.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Upgrade This
For example, perhaps a new operating system would allow me to run faster. What if you could simply order an upgrade through your friendly software behemoth?
Me: I'd like to be able to run faster. What upgrade would you recommend?
Microsoft: Our latest operating system, Vista Ultimatum.
Me: Ok. What are the system requirements?
Microsoft: The minimum requirements are your undying allegiance to our brand, any children you have conceived, and any monetary gain your running produces. Of course you are just licensing this software, so any PRs you set are property of Microsoft.
Me: That seems like a bit much.
Microsoft: We are happy to disable all features and return you to your previous state.
Me: Okay, okay, let's do the upgrade.
Microsoft: Please close all existing applications, including logic, aesthetics and common sense.
Me: No problem!
Microsoft: There may be some stability issues, but rest assured, they will be dealt with as they arise.
Me: Bring on the speed!
[Twenty minutes later]
Microsoft: Your upgrade is complete. Please sign in and create a password.
Me: Okay. ******
Microsoft: Welcome to Vista Ultimatum! Our command is your wish. You will notice many new features on your new home page. What would you like to do?
Me: Run faster!
Microsoft: That feature is not include in the original installation. Would you like us to add it now?
Me: That was the whole point of the upgrade. Yes, add it now.
Microsoft: Please stop moving while we make the upgrade. This will take three hours.
Me: What the he@@!
Microsoft: You moved. We have to start over.
Me: Okay. I'll stop moving.
[Three hours later]
Microsoft: That feature is now available. Would you like to use it?
Me: Yes!
Microsoft: Your new speed is available. Please note that when using your speed, other aspects of the operating system may not function at optimal levels.
Me: Uh, such as?
Microsoft: Breathing and heart functions will be elevated. Libido will be dropped. And vision may be blurred.
Me: I guess that's okay. Anything else?
Microsoft: Due to the age of your hardware, you may experience some interruptions when accessing this feature.
Me: That doesn't sound good...
Microsoft: Such interruptions are generally refreshed by the sleep mode.
Me: Okay. Let's give it a try.
Microsoft: ERROR. Your hardware is incompatible with this new feature. Please upgrade to new hardware.
Me: Sorry, this is all I've got.
Microsoft: We are happy to disable all features and return you to your previous state.
Me: But I paid for an upgrade!
Microsoft: SYSTEM CRASH. Please reinstall Vista Ultimatum.
Me: I wonder if it's too late to get a Mac...
Microsoft: Of course it's too late. That was predetermined at birth. Would you like to reinstall Window Ultimatum?
Me: (sigh) Okay.
Microsoft: Please close all existing applications...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Getting Wet Beats Getting Burned
Contrast that to the daily headlines about the economy. 'Mortgage Market Meltdown'... 'Stock market Tumble'...'Confidence Crash'... Maybe our economic advisers could learn some lessons from runners.
- There is no shortcut to the finish line. Marathoners know that the race is 26.2 miles, and they need to cover the whole distance to receive the medal and their name in the results. People investing in the stock market seem to think that there is some shortcut to wealth, that it will occur quicker if they use hedge funds, derivatives, blah , blah , blah.
- Pace yourself. Marathoners learn quickly that starting too fast will lead to real problems at the end. Borrowers would be wise to look at Adjustable Rate Mortgages in the same light. The low early payments are far eclipsed by the pain as interest rates rise.
- Sometimes it rains. Runners in Minnesota know that race day can bring any kind of weather. Twin Cities Marathon has had beautiful days more often than not, but sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot and sometimes it rains. You need to be prepared to not only survive but thrive in any conditions. It seems that some investors in the stock market and some home buyers thought that markets could only go up, that there were not rainy days.
- Working together helps everyone. Marathoners flock to training groups for the support, and to pace groups for guidance. Even the leaders often pack together for much of the race, sharing the work of leading. In the markets, some people have gotten the idea that for their wealth to go up, they must push others down.
- Fair competition leads to fair results. Cheating in running races is a rare thing. Taking drugs, cutting courses and wearing another person's bib number do happen, but peer pressure and enforcement keeps it well in check. Contrast that to our local businessman who is alleged to have spent the last thirteen years as the beneficiary of an elaborate Ponzi scheme. Peer pressure probably made him want more personal wealth rather than checking his greed. Co-conspirators took their payments and kept their mouths shut. Enforcement only happened when one of them got a conscience.
Perhaps the leaders of the bailed-out banks should have to finish a marathon before receiving their funds. That would be fun to watch. I hope it rains on race day.
Friday, September 26, 2008
It's Okay to Ask
"Excuse me. Excuse me sir."
After passing the parked car by a few strides, I realized it was me they were calling to. Once again my secret abilities as "Directions Man" were being requested.
I know I'm not the only one called upon for these duties. I live with "Where is... Woman" who gets the call at least as often as me. But as a loyal St Paul resident, I felt it was my duty to stop and give the requested information. The two senior citizens seemed genuinely appreciative, and apologized for interrupting my run. The job done, my puffed-out chest made the rest of the run a breeze.
Last week, "Where is...Woman" and I had been stumped in a similar situation. We were quite a ways from our normal stomping grounds, but we really wanted to help. We were still in St Paul, after all, and we felt badly that we didn't have the answer.
It's harder to be helpful when in a city that is not your own, but somehow I find myself in that situation frequently.
"Sorry ma'am. I'm not sure where Fenway Park is from here..."
"I think the ocean is that way, but this is only a Minnesota runner's tan. I look like I'm wearing socks even when I'm barefoot..."
It is oddly comforting to know that people are willing to ask questions of a stranger. Part of me wonders why a week's worth of stubble doesn't make me seem more unapproachable, but really I'm honored to be asked. I'm glad to help if I can.
Lately I've been finding that same spirit from you, people who I may not know personally, but aren't really strangers.
Back in August we asked you some questions about your running and the economy. You gladly stepped forward to tell us how you were doing, and to offer advice to others. I'll summarize the answers below. It reminds me that, just like the people asking me for directions, sometimes we don't have all the answers. In a society that has a mystique of individuality, we actually rely on others to get much of what we need. It's okay to ask. You may not always get the answers, but what you find out might be just what you need.
As we here at The Sporting Life work toward a business model that is built around meeting your needs, we'll keep asking you questions. And your answers will be just what we need.
"Where is the zoo? I'm sorry sir, the RNC left a few weeks ago. Como Zoo? That I can tell you!"
Running and the Economy: Give Me My Shoes!
Our survey was completed before the most recent bad economic news, but the results clearly show that runners are not forsaking their sport due to the economy. Here is a summary of the results highlights form the survey:
- 68% of the respondents had household incomes of $75,000 or more, higher than state and national averages of just over $50,000;
- Nearly two-thirds of respondents said they were not changing their running spending habits;
- About a third of respondents said they were spending less for running clothing, accessories, race entries and travel in 2008;
- Only 14% said they were spending less on running shoes.
- "Being more choosy when entering races- why pay to run a 5k around Harriet when I run it at least once a week for no cost?"
- "About the only noticeable impact that I have experienced is related to gas prices and getting to the races. Otherwise, I have not made any significant financial changes as far as running and racing is concerned. I figure you make room for the things you love!"
- "I ask myself whether the outcome (all the way from running a PR to failing to finish) will be worth the expenditure. Expensive races lose out to more reasonably priced ones. Races where the results are not submitted to USATF-MN are considered less valuable. Races without age categories are mostly not even considered. I try to combine events with business travel."
- "I'm choosing my key races each year (triathlons/half marathons/a few 10ks) and am doing fewer "fun" races like 5Ks and the like. Also, not traveling to races to avoid hotel and transportation costs."
- "Running is my #1 hobby, so I won't let the economic conditions affect it - at least not too much. I guess I'm now less likely to run a race that's further away, like Woman Lake 30K or Mora Half. And I'm even less inclined to spend $90 for a half marathon."
- "I ride my bike to do neighborhood errands. Regarding races, I am more selective on which races I register for. With entry fees and gas prices higher, I would prefer to do a long run in my locality instead of driving to a distant race just for the sake of racing."
- "We have always saved and not so far affected by the bad times. I intend to continue my thrifty ways."
- "Understand that reports via electronic media are often exagerated, misleading and hysterical. Do your own analysis, study the subject, listen to real economic experts. This economy is sluggish now, but this impacts different segments of the economy differently so don't panic. I would think it would have 0 effect on the running habits of people in Minnesota."
- "I am prioritizing the events I do and this year chose to take the $1000+ we were spending on Grandmas and do more events. I love Grandmas but the fact I can do 4 marathons in 4 states for the same price was too appealing. I am also doing less costly events more for smaller fields then anything to do with the economy."
- "I run more in my neighborhood instead of driving to neat courses. Therefore, my motivation is lacking as it is the same scenery."
- "I'm wearing old clothing longer, not going to stores or even looking at running clothes to tempt me. I have plenty of running clothing-some is dated but not worrying so much about how I look or having new running clothes this year-have not bought any new clothes-except shoes as they wear out."
As an event promoter, I understand the concern over entry fees and delivering value to participants. That's why we offer shirts as options, and give discounts for teams. Our fall events are especially well-priced due to lower cost venues.
We'll continue this dialog as we work to improve the event experience in every way. We know you'll keep running!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Is Your Running Recession Proof?
The answer seems to be, 'run.' Not as in run for cover, but as in keep running. Tough economic times affect us all, but runners don't seem to be cutting back on their favorite things. There is ample evidence that people are driving less, traveling less, and changing their restaurant habits. At the same time, runners are still buying shoes and running races, including traveling to popular destination events.
One thing that has helped runners over the past 5-10 years is that inflation has not been a big factor in shoe prices. When I was a young shoe-seller in the late 1970s, prices would increase with every shipment of shoes, almost monthly. Now, the most popular shoes are priced at $80-$120, and that has been quite stable for years. There have been more increases in clothing prices, but that seems mainly driven by the introduction of new fabrics with advanced cooling, heating and fit features. Consumers have seen the benefits and paid for the advancements.
Entry fees for races have not been so stable. With few exceptions, entry fees have been steadily rising. This year races in Minneapolis were hit hard with a doubling of fees charged them by the Minneapolis Park Board. Races are unable to eat those kinds of increases, and have been forced to pass them on to the participants.
How have runners been coping with today's economic pressures? I have a few guesses, but there is no better way to find out than to ask. We've created an economic impact survey that will help flesh out some of those answers. Please let us know if the economy has affected your running, and what strategies you have adopted.
As race director for The Sporting Life events, I've seen two trends that seem to be related to the economy. One is the acceleration of a on-going trend toward later race registration. The last week and race day are when many races register half to two-thirds of their total field. Race day registration seems counter-intuitive as an economic move. Most races charge a late fee of $5 or more, so waiting actually costs more money. However, racers must be doing some sort of math about losses generated by paying entry fees but then not actually running the race.
The second trend is unique to TSL events. We offer shirts as an a-la-carte option, and we've seen a decline in shirt purchases. For a race like our upcoming Hennepin-Lake Classic, that means a savings of $6-$8 off the fees including a shirt or tank top. We still have more people purchase shirts than not, but my guess is that the shirt opt-out is an economic move for some.
In the overall view of the economy, running is still quite inexpensive. For a few hundred dollars a year, you can own fresh running shoes, fabulous running clothing and finish times from your favorite races. And best of all, running helps you deal with some of the stress that the economy is putting on you.
That makes good economic sense. Call my broker. I want to buy 100 shares of running!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Are you satisfied with your performance?
The simple equation is that running faster equals more satisfaction. From personal experience I can see some truth in that. Who doesn't enjoy running faster? But there is a certain amount of nuance in the the answer.
My most satisfying marathon is still my first marathon. Having never run one before, my performance expectations were loose. In 1981, I had run 31:07 (5:00 minutes/per mile) on the track for 10K, but had never raced longer than a half-marathon. My loose goal for Grandma's Marathon that year was 2:36 (about 6:00 per mile). When I finished in 2:29, I was exhausted but exhilarated.
Of course, I could have looked at race prediction tables that say if you can run 31:07 for 10K you can run 2:25 for the marathon. Should I have been disappointed instead?
Three marathons (and ten years) later, I ran 2:26:01 at the California International Marathon in Sacramento. A side-ache derailed me in the middle, but it was a PR at the time. In the parlance of the marathon, you are allowed to drop the seconds portion of your time, so two seconds faster would have made me much happier.
My fastest marathon was 2:24 at Chicago in 1995. That was certainly satisfying in many ways, but I was trying to run under 2:22 and qualify for the US Olympic trials. Even though I realized I had done the best I could that day, I was left feeling somewhat empty.
For many years, I have worked with citizen athletes, helping them prepare for marathons. I always emphasize that the process (training, other races, rest, cross training etc.) is a big part of the experience. I urge marathoners not to tie all their satisfaction to their finish time. For many, that helps soothe feelings on a tough day of running, while also adding to the richness of breakthrough performance.
What is performance? Is it just how you do on race day? Or does it include all the training? Can you enhance your performance to improve your results and satisfaction? For those that follow the Tour de France bicycling race, you have seen another year of high-profile disqualifications for users of 'performance enhancing' drugs. Did their enhanced performance lead to more satisfaction? I hope not.
For that matter, what is satisfaction? Can you only be satisfied if everything goes well and you run a great time? What about if you manage your resources well, and deal constructively with an adverse day (e.g., Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon in 2007)?
Years ago, I put on some workshops with legendary runner Jeff Galloway. He ran in the Olympics in 1972 and has a marathon PR of 2:16. He assured me that the most fun he ever had with the marathon was when he stopped caring about time, used walking breaks, and got to the finish line with a smile. It's true that not too many of the top finishers are smiling!
I am a certified ChiRunning instructor, and we are taught that ChiRunning is process oriented, not goal oriented. A successful marathon for a ChiRunner would be one where we listened to our bodies the whole way, maintained a steady rhythm or cadence, and let the experience unfold. How does that approach affect the performance/satisfaction equation?
If you are doing a fall marathon, I encourage you to check out the study, and also contact me to let me know your take on performance and satisfaction. No snickering please!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Agreements I'd Like to See
Let's make an agreement with homeowners that they will all do their duty and shovel their sidewalks next year. Every snowfall, not just the ones of a foot or more. Sure the 'solar method' is easier, but what about pride of ownership? Do you really want that slip and fall lawsuit? Runners can commit to spit only on sidewalks that haven't been properly cleared.
Another agreement that I'd like to reach is with cell phone companies. Let's install a kill switch that kicks in when your car engine starts. Sure you can handle the U turn with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cell phone in the other, but I'm worried about the people who aren't so talented. Let's not put any more pedestrians at risk. Runners and walkers will gladly agree to not tell stories about the idiot driver that almost killed them in exchange for safer streets.
We already have an agreement with smokers, but there are some new wrinkles. I understand the natural connection between smoking and 'theatre,' but maybe smokers can redirect their love of the arts to something that doesn't include the heaters. Or at least make it an at-home performance. We'll agree to turn away when we see smokers fling another lit cigarette from a moving automobile. Hey, Smokey the Bear has to earn a living!
I'd like to open negotiations with Apple and other makers of portable music devices. I think you've gotten a bad rap in the running scene and probably don't deserve to be banned from races. Let's create a system that allows race directors to broadcast on a frequency that automatically cuts into what you are listening to when we talk on our PAs. That should take care of the 'distracted runner' issue. For my part, I promise not to sing my rap song.
Finally, I'd like to speak to the 'makers' of bottled water. Stop charging a dollar a bottle for tap water. We're not that stupid. We're just really, really thirsty.

I have one agreement still to work out. This one is closer to home. After the leprechaun agreement, I've been getting pressure to open the field even more. Should I let Sammy (pictured at left) participate? I tell him he's not an Irish Setter, but he just stares at me. Help me decide. What's your vote?
Click Here to vote
Make It Happen
It seems like a simple instruction: make it happen. I doubt if Jenny anticipated that `make it happen` would mean `learn how to eat again.` Brain injuries have a way of changing everything. The Make It Happen Fund has been established to benefit Jenny in her recovery.
As Jenny fights to regain some of what she has lost, many people have rallied to help, including this year`s Human Race Heroes. Jason Lehmkuhle and Kristen Nicolini Lehmkuhle. They chose to designate the Make It Happen Fund as the official non-profit for the St Patrick`s Day Human Race, drawing more attention to and raising funds for Jenny`s cause.
`Make it happen` is a great reminder to all of us. It reminds us to be intentional, not just `let it happen.` Should I get out the door for a run today? Make it happen. Is there someone I care about that I`ve lost track of? Reconnect-make it happen. Is there something I`ve been putting off but really need to do? Stop procrastinating. Make it happen!
To support the Make It Happen Fund, I`ve tapped into a network of Jenny`s friends willing to help. The people with the Lakefront Marathon in her native Milwaukee directed me to her brother in Edina, Minn. to obtain `Make It Happen` wristbands. Another friend of hers, elite American runner Marla Runyan, has come up with a poster to sell to help benefit the fund. She arranged to have some printed for us to sell at our event. Attendees at our recent pre-event a party all signed a large poster that we are sending back to Jenny. I didn`t know about any of this only a few weeks ago, and now it`s an everyday part of my life. Make it happen!
As you go throughout your busy day, take some time to think. What are you really trying to do with your life? What are your intentions? Then put Jenny`s advice to work. Make it happen. It`s not a miracle. With all the love and support, Jenny still has tough days ahead. But by channeling your energy into the things that matter, your world becomes a little better place.
Make it happen. It`s a good way to live.
For more updates on Jenny Crain, go to
Wristbands ($5) and posters ($15) will be available at the St Patrick`s Day Human Race on Sunday, March 16 at the University of St Thomas Field House in St Paul, Minn. Attendees will also be asked to sign the large poster we are sending back to Jenny.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Teaming Up Is A Winning Strategy
I've been fortunate to be on some good teams. I warmed the bench for a baseball team that played in the Babe Ruth league state tournament. Later, I ran on a high school team that went to the state meet. In college, our teams at Macalester were always small, but sharing the workouts with teammates like Paul Mausling made it special anyway.
After college I ran for several strong running clubs. For a while now, I haven't been part of formal team. I've had an ad hoc team of people that work with me at our events, and as a board member I get vicarious pleasure from the success of Team USA Minnesota, but being on a team hasn't been an everyday part of my life. I miss that. Working at Great Harvest last December reminded of what amazing things a team can do.
The nice thing about being an adult is that you can choose your own associations. Recently, I've been been building a different type of team. First, I had to lose the lone wolf mentality. To have a team you have to want to be on a team. Without even knowing it, I started to develop a team of advisers. They may not even know they're on my team, but they are.
That has lead to forming a partnership with Perry Bach and Run N Fun in St. Paul, and Adam Lindahl at their former store in Eden Prairie, which is now TC Running Company. Perry and Kari Bach have been a community assets for over fifteen years, and Adam has carried the same enthusiasm forward in his store. As a former running store owner, I know how hard they work, and it is great to see them pouring their hearts and souls into serving their customers. And making it a successful business too!
I'm also adding to the TSL team. Recently, I've contracted Katie Bild as an event specialist. She brings great energy and ideas, as well as some real world experience. She'll be taking a lead role in our TSL Team Challenge recruitment, so right away she'll be thinking about teams.
Teams give you people to share the work, celebrate the victories and laugh or cry through defeats. It doesn't have to be about competition either. Teammates can get you out the door when you might have slept in on your own.
Even this year's Human Race Heroes have a team theme. Jason Lehmkuhle and Kristen Nicolini Lehmkuhle are both part of Team USA Minnesota. That's where they met in 2001. They were married in 2007. The team has been a key part in them reaching higher and higher for their goals as runners. Both have become parts of other teams (Edina High School, MDRA) as ways to give back to their communities.
Are you part of a team? If so, I invite you to join the TSL Team Challenge and bring your team to the St Patrick's Day Human Race. Tell us your stories and we'll share them. Contact Katie by E-mail, and she'll collect and them and we'll post them online.
If you're not already part of a team, now is your chance to form one. Talk to family members or friends, people at work or even strangers at your favorite running spot. Teaming up feels great!
I can't guarantee that being on a team will make you a faster runner. But you will have people sharing your journey. Now all you need to do is pick out your new uniforms. Remember, as adults, you can choose the fun ones, not the one that make you look dorky!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Learning from ‘Spirit,’ Soaps and Surveys
There are many ways to learn. Growing up in a family of teachers, I have always known about ‘book learning.’ That was very helpful through college. But in the years since then, I have discovered the value of other types of learning. By making mistakes, for example.
The formal education process teaches you not to make mistakes or your test scores or grades will be affected. In the world outside the school, it’s not so simple. No mistakes usually means you’re not trying anything too risky, which means you are missing out on an awful lot. I was thinking about those things last week while watching the movie 'Spirit of the Marathon.’
I ran my first marathon in 1981. Back then you had to register for Grandma’s Marathon the day the entry forms came out, because it filled immediately. I was a senior at Macalester College, but I knew that a marathon was the next step for me after the track season.
That year was a breakthrough year for me. I started as an injured cross country runner, and ended going to NAIA and NCAA Division III track nationals to run the 10,000 meters. I was running high mileage, 100-plus per week, but my longest runs were 18 mile Sunday runs. After my track season was over in late May, I took a short break, then started training again for the marathon. I knew that running a 20-miler was important, so I completed my first one six days before Grandma’s. [Note: I have gone on to lead many marathon training groups, and now recommend that your last long run be three weeks before your marathon. Hey, I was only 21!] My goal was to run six-minute pace for as long as I could, assuming that since my new 10K PR was five minutes/mile that six-minute pace would roll along. Easier said than done.
It turned out to be an unbelievable day for me. It was cool and cloudy, great running weather. I locked in with a group of runners going six-minute pace for the first five miles. Then the group broke up at a water stop, and I found myself running with a co-worker and another first time marathon Lane Wieker. The miles rolled along, and we passed people the rest of the way.
At about twenty mile, we passed eventual women’s winner Lorraine Moeller, running with then-husband Ron Daws. Finally with the finish line in sight, I could see the clock turning over to the next minute. Darn, I thought. I missed my chance to run under 2:30. As I crossed the finish line and saw the clock, I smiled. It had turned to 2:29, not 2:30, and I had completed my first marathon more than six minutes faster than I had hoped for. It took a while longer to realize that I could have easily looked at my own watch to see the time, but had become mesmerized by the finish line. Lane and I had run negative splits, 1:16/1:13, and were officially marathoners!
If I had played it ‘by the book,’ I would have never done my twenty mile training run, never dared to try running six-minute pace, and certainly never tried to pick it up. All these ‘mistakes’ lead to an experience that I will never forget.
That all came rushing back while I was watching ‘Spirit of the Marathon’ in its limited release last week. The producers have added a second date, February 21, and with the packed theaters around town I’m sure they’ll have great word of mouth reviews. If you have ever run or even thought of running a marathon, I recommend the movie. It deftly weaves the stories of marathoners from elites to first timers as they take on the challenge of Chicago Marathon (fortunately in 2005 not last year).
Learning can come from unlikely sources as well. Recently, I have become exposed to the world of soap operas. As I understand it, this phenomenon has been going on for some time, but I was blissfully unaware.
Soap operas have their own logic and pace. It might take one week to tell of events that take less than an hour, and dead rarely means gone. Enemies become friends, and vice versa. Alliances are made and broken. Characters are introduced and tossed aside. Actors and actresses are replaceable, sometimes even in mid-scene. Being new to the genre, I was surprised that, as if an understudy were required for a Broadway production, an announcement is made that “Peter Potter is playing the part of John Smith today.” The show must go on!
After gaining my bearings in this strange land, I discovered that there was much I could learn. No one is too good to avoid mistakes, and no one too evil for some type of redemption. Like in ‘real’ life, it is easy to get distracted by false clues. And most important, these writers, actors and actresses work very hard to create their special worlds. They are constantly scrutinized by loyal fans, and are pushed to come up with better and more entertaining product. That sounds like event directing to me.
Sometimes to learn, you have to ask questions. We did our first post-event survey following the Frigid 5, and found out that you had plenty to say. More than one-third of all participants filled out a survey, which is a phenomenal rate of return.
We were please to find that 93% were likely or very likely to return next year, 92% would recommend this event to a friend, and 96% were likely or very likely to participate in another TSL event. You like Running Bear, and had mixed reviews on the adhesive bib numbers. [Note: if we try it again, it will be with a different adhesive that doesn’t leave residue on your clothes!]
What really caught our attention were your comments:
- “Every event you sponsor has been a uplifting experience.”
- “I really like that the shirt/hat are optional as I do not need more shirts and hats and would like to reduce entry fees.”
- “I do a fair number of races throughout the year, and the best are ALWAYS those run by TSL! They do an awesome job and I’m excited to participate in more of the runs they organize!”
- “VERY well organized. Loved how the finish line was right by the doors-could watch for other finishers in the warmth!”
- “You guys do a great job as always, very organized and result the same day!!! That’s awesome.”
- “I loved being warm inside the Coliseum.”
- “All in all I had a great time and will come back next year and the year after that. I will try to get some of my running groups to come up also. Thank you for a memorable winter race.”
Wow. Thank you for those kind words. It challenges us to continue to live up to them!
Of course there were a few polite suggestions. We will see if we have any alternatives to the four-loop 10K. We’ll definitely add more music. The fresh paint in the Coliseum should be dry by next year. We’ll see about making the hats longer.
One comment that had me a little baffled was, “Since I am a back-of-the-pack runner, I’m convinced you don’t care about my comments/suggestions.” I thought that was a little odd on a survey that asked for feedback, but I want to assure the writer and everyone else that we do care. Most of the above positive comments were from back-of-the-packers, and we never prioritize the needs of the speedy over the needs of the rest. We are committed to evolving our events to fulfill our mission statement: “Connecting people to their passions through events that enrich life.”
And finally, to the person who wrote: “Would love to organize singles together for this event… put me in charge and I’ll do it!” The survey link from the web site was anonymous, so I don’t know who you are, but I’d love to take you up on your offer! Please send me E-mail and we’ll talk. It could be a way to take our ‘connecting people to passion’ mission to a whole new level!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Your Vote Counts
This is an election year. The campaigning has already reached an early crescendo, so it’s hard to avoid. You’ll be faced with some big choices, and most of you will take that responsibility seriously as you compare candidates and issues.
You may not realize that as a runner or walker, you are making choices that affect your sport every time you ‘vote’ with your entry fees. Do you take the time to study the issues and understand just what your votes mean? Probably not.
The Market Decides
In a true market economy, choice is generally viewed as good, and the wisdom of the market is applied as events come and go. Choice is dependent on informed consumers, and runners and walkers are just beginning to realize the power they wield.
Each time you pay your entry fees, you are making a choice. The question is: are you happy with that choice? As an event director, I want to know. And as an event promoter, I want to build my business around your choices. Below is a primer that may help educate you about your choices, and how you can have a major say in what running and walking events look like.
- What type of experience are you looking for? You can find events that simply clear the road and point you in one direction, and others that certify the course, provide accurate timing and have volunteers at every turn. Both can be fun, but if you expect accurate times at a fun run, you will be disappointed. Choose the event that meets your needs.
- How do you want to be treated? When is it okay to be treated like a steer in a cattle drive, and when do you want quicker or more personalized service? Remember, you are a customer and the event is providing a service. If all the procedures are based on what makes the event director’s life easier, remember that you have a choice. Find events that make your life easier.
- What choices do you want? The Model T days of road racing should be long gone. If you register in advance, you have a right to the shirt size you requested, not whatever happens to be left. You may even want the choice not to pay for a T-shirt, or to choose from a selection of styles. Make sure the event you choose meets your need for choice, or that you are okay with what they offer.
- What is a reasonable entry fee to pay? Costs continue to rise for event permits and other services. Entry fees tend to follow those increases. Technical shirts cost more and may (or may not) be worth it to you. Timing, food and other amenities all cost money. Are you happy with the value your entry fee provides?
- Where does the money go? Most of the entry fees goes to pay for the event itself. Most profit (or contribution to charity) is possible due to sponsorship. When an event makes a tie to a non-profit or charity, it should be open about how much ends up with the non-profit. It may be a large amount or small, but you have a right to know, at least in general terms. For some non-profits, the visibility is as important as money, but if a cause is named on an event, most people logically conclude that the cause is receiving the money. If that isn’t the case, the event should fess up.
- Do you have a voice? Ideally, all events would conduct post-event surveys and find out exactly what you think. Next best is to make it easy to find an E-mail address to follow up with your questions and comments. Worst is an event that disappears the day after, and will not answer questions or follow-up on problems.
TSL Events in 2008 and Beyond
In 2008, The Sporting Life will be initiating a number of changes to make TSL events more interactive and responsive to your needs. The key is that we will be focused on you as a customer, not a transaction. We want your experience at our events to compare favorably with the best customer experience you receive anywhere. We want to make registration easier, and make it a snap for you to track your results from all the events you do. We want your feedback on what you like (and don’t like) about our events.
To help us accomplish these goals, we are embarking on an ambitious effort to recruit more sponsors. That will allow us the funds to make improvements in our events without relying on entry fees. However, we don’t want to become NASCAR events, with logos plastered everywhere. We will ask how you relate to sponsors so we can create partnerships with sponsors that will benefit you and add to your enjoyment of our events, not take anything away.
These changes will gradually roll out, starting with post-event surveys after the Frigid 5. You’ll see some changes to the web site in the next few weeks.
One unfortunate casualty is that the Heart of St Paul event scheduled for Como Lake on February 10 has been cancelled. Planning some of these bigger picture changes pulled us away from our short-term sponsorship goals that would make the HSP financially viable. We made the decision to cancel the race for this year, and determine at a later date if it will return for 2009. That decision will be made with your feedback.
As always, I welcome your thoughts. This works best when we work together. You’ll be given the opportunity to fill out surveys and join ‘think tank’ sessions. You can also just send me E-mail.
Thank you for your support. This is one vote that does make a difference.